As an executive it’s easy to lose touch with staying marketable in today’s competitive environment. We all get busy doing our own jobs- it’s easy to forget about maintain and growing our network, keeping a current resume, and understanding the needs of employers. Here are a few tips on staying marketable:
- Perform in your present job. Create value for your employer. Be intentional about achieving the results that your employer desires.
- Build and maintain a network. Ideally you want to make 5-10 phone calls per week to grow an active network.
- Help others, including recruiters and colleagues. Helping others is a simple way to maintain your network.
- Maintain (or better yet, have a professional do it) a current resume. Resumes change every 2-3 years. You want to stand out and appear relevant. You do not want an old resume as this makes you look out of touch.
- Know and communicate your value proposition.
- Know your number (X-Y’s). How have you moved the needle on service, quality, growth, market share, profitability?
- Grow professionally. Earn a degree, certification, or extra training.
If you need to sharpen your competitive edge, contact us at www.wiederholdassoc.com to learn more about staying marketable in today’s competitive environment.
Connect with us on LinkedIn and join our Active Network Program.